aSmart HUD 3D +SpeedCams app for iPhone and iPad
4.4 (
7664 ratings )
Atoll Ordenadores
0.99 USD
Current version:
8.1, last update: 1 month ago
First release : 24 Sep 2009
App size: 8.41 Mb
Advanced car digital dashboard combining map, routing, tracking, photo and speed cameras functionality wrapped into nicely polished 3D user interface.
Key features:
aSmartHUD visualizes your
- current and average speed
- time
- elapsed trip time
- heading
- altitude
- distance/time to stored Home location
- distance to the trip starting point
- maximum reached speed, altitude and distance to starting point for the current trip and all the trips your ever did,
- current playing music track
- weather forecast for nearest 48 hours the with 3-hour time interval.
Also it shows
- positions of the nearest known speed cameras
- color coded distance to the nearest known speed camera and its speed limit, if known;
The fixed cameras database includes an information about speed cameras in
- Europe (whole EU)
- Canada
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Brazil
- South Africa
- Singapore
- United Arab Emirates
- Taiwan
- HongKong
- Kuwait
- Russia
- Thailand
You can edit the database by adding or removing the speed cameras and set cameras speed limit.
NOTE: Its not guaranteed all speed cameras in your area are included into the database. However, we will release database updates right after the new information will become available.
- Tapping the "HUD" icon mirrors all the text, so if you position the iPhone horizontally under your cars windscreen you can see perfectly readable half-transparent reflection of the picture displayed.
Note: this mode works pretty well at night time and twilight, but on direct sunlight the screen brightness can be insufficient.
- aSmartHUD can keep track on 4 speed limits, giving a warning each time you crossing it. Normally, its legal speed limits within cities, local roads and high-speed motorways. "Never exceed speed" is the speed you should not exceed under any conditions. Like technical limit of your vehicle or the point where government can arrest your driving license.
- 3D Trip Log Graph - unique way to represent the speed, location and altitude data in a single 3D graph. Color coded speed and altitude chart is constantly adjusted according to your moving trajectory. In Track Preferences, you can set the transparency of all the components of the chart or switch them off completely.
- Apple and OpenStreet maps in several flavors and color modes.
- Landscape and portrait screen modes.
- "Records" screen, with maximum reached speed, altitude and distance from start.
- Different measurement units, display color schemes (6 available), log type, sounds and more.
- Select the music iPod Playlist, pause, play, skip or rewind its items, set the player in Shuffle or Repeat mode.
- Advanced location Info (longitude and latitude, GPS measurement precision) and more.
- Local weather forecast;
Pros and cons of aSmart HUD 3D +SpeedCams app for iPhone and iPad
aSmart HUD 3D +SpeedCams app good for
The best HUD app. It works like you all said & it look cool you know...
I own all of Atolls HUD apps. Love them.
I do have one suggestion for improving this one. Provide an option for turning off some of the features such as the speed cam box. I would like to declutter the display a bit and I dont pay attention to the speed cam info. Otherwise, another perfect app.
Well worth the money. Ive tried a few, including some free ones, and this one is all I need.
I preveiously gave this app a three start based on no USA messurments. I was mistakeing I emailed the support email address they were quick to reply and inform me that it was USA compliant ad explainded how to change messurments I now give this a five start mased on gret app plus customer service thanx!!!!!!!
Why doesnt this app sync up
With the 3Gs compass? Ill give it 5 stars if it does.
I wouldve given it 5 stars... GPS is pretty accurate, even in the city (Manhattan). The iPod control screen is a great update, especially when driving, which was a pain to change songs, since the "next/previous" buttons were all the all way in the bottom left of screen, and can lead to accidentally going back a track, when you really meant to go forward. Also saves the hassle of exiting the app to go to the ipod to change playlists.
My only gripe is when its in "portrait mode" text messages still pop up as if it were in "horizontal mode", so it comes up sideways. Very annoying not to mention dangerous. Theres always going to be that one person whos not the "sharpest tool in the shed" and will attempt to read a text tilting his/her head sideways while trying to drive, which can lead to a serious accident.
Some bad moments
Or does this version seem really "off" and buggy? The compass doesnt seem to work at all.
I own a lot of apps and I have to say that this one ices the cake ! Come on people, I am so sick of people complaining in reviews. I have an iPhone 3GS and this works great. I dont have speed cameras in my area, but if they get installed someday Im glad to have this available.
No app is perfect, if you want perfect, spend a grand and get perfect you shmucks! This app does what it says it does, and its just plain cool. Out of a hundred some apps, this is my new fave. And there are a bunch of colors to change it to in settings. My faves are purple and blue for at night. Nice and calming.
Get this app if you want a cool, techy app that transforms your windshield into a new dashboard that rocks. Dont get it if you are a shmuck and think everything in life should be freakin perfect .
Tipp: go through settings for awhile before you freak out and complain. Yes, it CAN be changed to read mph, not km. Yes, it can be calibrated.
5 stars for the cool, super awesome app for my car. Thank you designers for this invention. I am the talk of my friends now (who dont have iPhones )!
Is it me or is this thing buggy as heck?? Cant change the metric scale to work in the US. Get this thing fixed!!! Waste of money.
Annoying alarm sound
3D Map never shows up except for grid
Too completed layout
Need option to hide unnecessary things
UI is not straightforward, just complicated
A lot more problems, waste of money
Map doesnt appear and says there is a "weak gps" signal no matter what. All other apps dont have a problem with the gps. Pretty disappointed.
Even with the new update .... Maps still do not work - refund pleez?
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